SPIRIT, in conjunction with the SPIRIT Dazzlers, is proud to present SPIRIT's Fall 2008 Fashion Ballet!
WHEN: Saturday, October 25th at 3 pm SLT
It's a fashion show... It's a ballet... It's a Fashion Ballet!
Come and see the SPIRIT Dazzlers Pro Cheer/Dance Team as they perform original ballet choreography created by Deira Llanfair of LL-Animations and arranged by SPIRIT Dazzlers Director Pyper Dollinger for your entertainment this Saturday, Oct. 25th at 3 pm SLT. As they dip and twirl en pointe, the Dazzlers will also be modeling the last fall fashions and new ballroom and Halloween costumes from SPIRIT, the store for everything cheerleading and dance. Serving as MC will be in-world DJ Payten Harrop. Come early as theater seating is limited and will fill up quickly, and be sure to stay afterwards when all SPIRIT Skins 2.0 will go on sale at 50% off!
The stage is set, the spotlights are on, and the music is playing...don't miss this one-time only performance!
Contact for questions: SavannahAn McMillan