Thank you for your interest in the SPIRIT Dazzlers Professional Cheer and Dance Team. The SPIRIT Dazzlers is a team of cheerleaders, dancers, and models who are paid to represent SPIRIT with class, grace, and style in fashion shows, promotional events, paid performances, magazine ads, videos, and commercials. Ladies and gentlemen who are chosen to represent SPIRIT on the SPIRIT Dazzlers team will be paid for their participation at these events and modeling jobs, will have exclusive opportunities to build their modeling portfolios as few others can, and will receive many custom and prereleased SPIRIT designs while an active member on the team.
We will have 3 sections to the audition process...application reviews, auditions by invitation only, and individual interviews.
1. Please create a folder named Dazzlers-(your name). In this folder please put the application and include 3 pics of yourself...1 headshot, 1 full bodyshot, and 1 pic that will show us your personality. Please do not include nude shots.
2. The second portion to the auditions will be an invitation-only tryout, which will consist of a review of your knowledge of terms and moves. You will be given animations and gestures and will be expected to successfully perform them on cue.
3. The third portion will be an invitation-only individual interview where you will get the opportunity to demonstrate your personality in a conversational setting.
If you are chosen to become a member of the SPIRIT Dazzlers team, please be sure that the shape you send photos of is modifiable and one you are willing to dedicate exclusively to SPIRIT approved usage only. Also, expect to follow the team rules and attend at least one meeting or rehearsal a week (or more during the week of an upcoming performance).
Applications can be picked up at the SPIRIT Dazzlers Showcase building at http://slurl.com/secondlife/Plush%20Omicron/202/88/21/. Please send your folder with your application and pictures to SPIRIT Dazzlers Director Pyper Dollinger by April 1, 2009.
Team Website:
http://www.SpiritDazzlers.comSPIRIT Dazzlers Showcase SLURL: