From the team audition application kit, now available at the landing point at SPIRIT...
"Hello and thank you for your interest in the SPIRIT Dazzlers Cheer and Dance Team. The SPIRIT Dazzlers is a team of cheerleaders, dancers, and spokesmodels who will represent SPIRIT with class, grace, and style at special events, paid performances, and charity events, model in upcoming SPIRIT catalogs, ads and fashion shows, appear in an annual team calendar, and perform in commercials and videos for SPIRIT. Ladies who are chosen to represent SPIRIT on the SPIRIT Dazzlers team will be paid for their participation at these events and modeling jobs, will have exclusive opportunities to build their modeling portfolios as few others can, and will receive many custom and prereleased SPIRIT designs while an active member on the team.
We will have 3 sections to the audition process, and we will make our final decision by July 31, 2008. Also attached is a breakdown of dates and an application.
We will have 3 sections to the audition process, and we will make our final decision by July 31, 2008. Also attached is a breakdown of dates and an application.
1. Please create a folder named Dazzlers-(your name). In this folder please put the application and include 3 pics of yourself. 1 being a headshot, 1 being a full bodyshot and 1 being your favorite shot that will show us your personality. Please do not include nude shots.
2. The second portion to the auditions will be an invitation-only interview where you will be interviewed by SPIRIT Dazzlers Team Owner SavannahAnn McMillan and myself.
3. The third portion will be a tryout which will be a review of terms and moves. You will be given a move and you will just have to execute it in an order asked by the choreographer.
If you are chosen to become a member of the SPIRIT Dazzlers team, please be sure that the shape you send photos of is modifiable and one you are willing to dedicate exclusively to SPIRIT approved usage only.
Please send your folder with your application and pictures to Pyper Dollinger by July 1, 2008.
Good Luck everyone and Let's Shine!
Pyper Dollinger
Director, SPIRIT Dazzlers
Team Website: http://www.spiritdazzlers.com/ "
Audition applications can be picked up for free (there's no audition fee either) at the SPIRIT store main landing point at http://slurl.com/secondlife/Plush%20Tau/109/66/22/.
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