Tuesday, July 31, 2007
SPIRIT in a Fashion Show TODAY at Ambergris!

I was extremely honored to be invited as a guest designer in Ambergris' upcoming fashion show today! The lovely ADF Elite and Top Models will be modeling the following outfits from SPIRIT at today's fashion show at 2 p.m. (SL time)...
** Moulin Rouge Collection: Sparkling Diamond I (regularly $500L, special fashion show price for today only is $400 at the runway!)
** Claire Cheerleader Uniform, Claire Hairstyle, and Spirit Sneakers (uniform will include a free pair of Spirit Sneakers for today only at the runway!)
** Ballet Class Outfit in Lavendar with Ballet Pointe Shoes in Lavendar
** Emerald Ballet Costume with Ballet Pointe Shoes in Cream (regularly $400L, specially priced at $300L at the show!)
** Ballet Pointe Shoes in Sugarplum Pink
Don't miss these great savings on SPIRIT's top selling items for cheerleaders and dancers! The show starts at 2 p.m. (click here for transport directly to the show!), but if you can't make the show, you'll also be able to purchase these SPIRIT items from the Shopping Wall both before the show as well afterwards until midnight. I'll also be there to meet everyone and answer questions (look for the redhead wearing the freebie Spirit Uniform Collection!), and if you ask me at the show about the Spirit Uniform Collection, you'll receive the Spirit Uniform Collection for FREE (or if you can't make it to the show, you can pick it up for $1L at the SPIRIT shop!
And finally, SPIRIT now has its very own land and official store!!!! Click here if you want a sneak peek...the grand opening will be this Friday and I'll be releasing a TON of cheer and dance items to celebrate! Look for more details about the grand opening plus pics coming soon!
Monday, July 30, 2007
New Release: Moulin Rouge Collection, Sparkling Diamond I!
Last week's release, which I neglected to blog about (shame on me!) is the first in a series of sets in the new Moulin Rouge Collection, called the Sparkling Diamond I! This is a replica of the costume worn by Nicole Kidman's character Satine in her first song and dance routine in the movie Moulin Rouge (where she is lowered through fog and falling glitter on a swing from a hole in the ceiling and begins to sing Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend).

The MRC: Sparkling Diamond I is the most jam-packed set I've released yet, and includes...
**a sequined replica corset and prim train with flexi beads in the front
**handpainted Moulin Rouge Black Satin Gloves (read more about these separately)
**black high heels
**prim Sparkling Diamond Earrings (15 prims per ear!) with no bling (also available separately, see below for more details)
**the Satine I Hairstyle in Light Red, with attached top hat and rhinestone accents (also available separately, read more about this hairstyle below)
**SPIRIT's first dance animation!
**the wearable GlitterFog particle effect, a script created by Electric Pixels exclusively for SPIRIT, which mimics Satine's entrance special effects

The MRC: Sparkling Diamond I is the most jam-packed set I've released yet, and includes...
**a sequined replica corset and prim train with flexi beads in the front
**handpainted Moulin Rouge Black Satin Gloves (read more about these separately)
**black high heels
**prim Sparkling Diamond Earrings (15 prims per ear!) with no bling (also available separately, see below for more details)
**the Satine I Hairstyle in Light Red, with attached top hat and rhinestone accents (also available separately, read more about this hairstyle below)
**SPIRIT's first dance animation!
**the wearable GlitterFog particle effect, a script created by Electric Pixels exclusively for SPIRIT, which mimics Satine's entrance special effects

The Satine I Hairstyle is, as usual, also available in 16 shades, sold in 4-packs for $300L, and is modify/copy/no transfer enabled. Also available separately are the Sparkling Diamond Earrings for $100L, and the Moulin Rouge Black Satin Gloves for $25L (with more colors coming soon!).
And in case you haven't seen the movie in a while and want to refresh your memory, here's a link to a YouTube video showing this dance number!Look for more replica costumes from the Moulin Rouge movie coming soon to SPIRIT!
Moulin Rouge Collection,
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
New Review and New Shop Displays In
Check out the new review of the Ballet Class Outfits and Ballet Pointe Shoes at Fashion Notes!
Also, the new cheer stadium locker displays are now up. I will slowly but surely be getting more items added to this display or on the bench in front of the lockers over the next week or two. Until then, all previously released SPIRIT items are still available for sale.
Coming in the next post...the first release in the new Moulin Rouge Collection!
Also, the new cheer stadium locker displays are now up. I will slowly but surely be getting more items added to this display or on the bench in front of the lockers over the next week or two. Until then, all previously released SPIRIT items are still available for sale.
Coming in the next post...the first release in the new Moulin Rouge Collection!
Friday, July 20, 2007
New Review and New Shop Displays Coming Soon!
Check out the new review at the Savoir Hair blog about the Graceful II hairstyle! Thank you, Teagan, for your kind comments!
And in other news... Have you visited the NBA Stadium yet? I don't think it's new, but I just heard about it recently and had to run over there to see if any of the NBA cheer/dance teams were represented. They aren't. Sniff sniff. But I DID fall in love with the ultra realistic feel of their two-level NBA Store, and especially their lockers with the realistic jerseys hanging within. And I've been dying to add some additional 3D displays (beyond the shelves and domed hair displays) to the SPIRIT shop for some time now. So I got on the internet and did my research. Turns out the open front stadium lockers are a pretty prevalent feature in professional sports gyms. I recognized them from the CMT channel's reality tv show on the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders, too, as they have wooden stadium lockers to keep their uniforms, notebooks, etc. in.
So guess which cheer and dance shop will soon feature a brand new set of these lovely wooden, low prim displays for its cheer level? SPIRIT, of course! :)
The lockers are already complete. I'm just creating the hanging versions of the SPIRIT uniforms now to display within them. In the meantime, look for additional slight changes here and there to the SPIRIT shop layout as I prepare for this week's releases, which will take the place of last week's Ballet Class Outfits, Graceful II hairstyle, Spirit Sneakers, and Pro Spirit Boots on the New Stuff wall. If you haven't purchased last week's releases yet, no worries...these items will simply be moved to other spots within the shop.
Look for updates and photos coming soon!
And in other news... Have you visited the NBA Stadium yet? I don't think it's new, but I just heard about it recently and had to run over there to see if any of the NBA cheer/dance teams were represented. They aren't. Sniff sniff. But I DID fall in love with the ultra realistic feel of their two-level NBA Store, and especially their lockers with the realistic jerseys hanging within. And I've been dying to add some additional 3D displays (beyond the shelves and domed hair displays) to the SPIRIT shop for some time now. So I got on the internet and did my research. Turns out the open front stadium lockers are a pretty prevalent feature in professional sports gyms. I recognized them from the CMT channel's reality tv show on the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders, too, as they have wooden stadium lockers to keep their uniforms, notebooks, etc. in.
So guess which cheer and dance shop will soon feature a brand new set of these lovely wooden, low prim displays for its cheer level? SPIRIT, of course! :)
The lockers are already complete. I'm just creating the hanging versions of the SPIRIT uniforms now to display within them. In the meantime, look for additional slight changes here and there to the SPIRIT shop layout as I prepare for this week's releases, which will take the place of last week's Ballet Class Outfits, Graceful II hairstyle, Spirit Sneakers, and Pro Spirit Boots on the New Stuff wall. If you haven't purchased last week's releases yet, no worries...these items will simply be moved to other spots within the shop.
Look for updates and photos coming soon!
Sunday, July 15, 2007
New Release: SPIRIT Face Lights!
Okay, the SPIRIT Face Lights are now available in-world at the Spirit shop. Just look for the red hat box on the shelf high up on the wall as you come into the shop...the Face Lights are in this hat box on the same shelf with the new Graceful II hairstyle boxes. SPIRIT Face Lights come with two versions, one that attaches to the chin and another that attaches to the nose, for $50L (or get one free Face Light with the purchase of any SPIRIT hairstyle 4-pack!). Both should give your face the same glow regardless of what SL lighting your avatar might be posing within, and the two attachment point options let you work around things like nose rings or some hair accessories that might use these attachment points as well. SPIRIT Face Lights have no script to cause possible lag, and are no mod/copy/no transfer.
To give you an idea of how these invisible lights work, here are two pics I shot very quickly in the Spirit shop tonight. The first shows me wearing a SPIRIT Face Light, and the second pic shows me in the exact same lighting without the Face Light. Absolutely NO retouching of any kind has been made to either pic so that you can judge for yourself the effect these lights have on the avatar even in bad SL lighting (the lighting was set to sunrise in case you're curious, btw).
Notice the subtle glow on my face, neck and chest, especially compared to the rest of my body and the room around me? That's what the SPIRIT Face Light does...it adds a subtle glow to your face, neck, and chest, without blinding people around you, lighting up the entire room as if you were some alien life force (lol), and the source of the light is invisible! Now here's what I looked like in the exact same setting, clothing, hair, time of day, sun setting, etc. without the Face Light on...

What do you think? I can honestly say that I never go anywhere without one on, and I'm highly tempted to redo all my previous vendor signs with photos of me wearing a Face Light.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Celebs in the SPIRIT House!!!
Well, I barely had time to catch my breath after hearing about the review at Style Disorder before guess who comes walking into my shop but Justine Babii, reviewer for Second Style, and her friend Garret Bakalava, editor for Second Life Network News! It seems the review copy of the Face Light that I sent Justine yesterday was a good thing, and they came to the shop to find out how to purchase more of them.
But the Face Lights are currently only available as a freebie with the purchase of a SPIRIT hairstyle! YEEK! LOL Needless to say, Justine's kind compliments about this product on the Second Style blog (click here to read about its mention within her review for the ETD Sea Nymph hairstyles) and her later elbowing has convinced me I should also offer these face lights separately! :D
So tomorrow, look for the SPIRIT Face Light to become available for sale separately from the hairstyles too! I'll post an official release with pics here once they're available so you'll know what to look for in-store.
In the meantime, check out these pics that Justine and Garret were kind enough to pose for (wearing SPIRIT Varsity Cheer Jackets, no less!) and grant permission for use in this blog.
Here's Garret wearing the Cheer Varsity Jacket in pink and striking a pose in front of the Cheer Varsity Jacket display at SPIRIT.

Thank you, ladies, for letting me take these celeb pics and for stopping by the store. And thank you, Justine, for the review and for suggesting the SPIRIT Face Light become a product unto itself!
Friday, July 13, 2007
Check Out the Lovely New Reviews!!!!!
Okay, unprofessional moment over, lol. Now seriously, please kindly take a look to the right side of this blog for links to 3 reviews of SPIRIT products, one at Savoir Hair, the second review at Fashion Notes, and the newest one at the Style Disorder blog!
*\Q/* *\Q/* *\Q/*
Okay, unprofessional moment over, lol. Now seriously, please kindly take a look to the right side of this blog for links to 3 reviews of SPIRIT products, one at Savoir Hair, the second review at Fashion Notes, and the newest one at the Style Disorder blog!
*\Q/* *\Q/* *\Q/*
Thursday, July 12, 2007
New Release: Graceful II Hairstyle!

Just released...the Graceful II hairstyle with the new Spirit Face Light! This non-flexi, high bun style features a new bun shape wrapped in a color change scripted hair ribbon (complete with a small bow on top) that lets you color coordinate your hair ribbon to your Spirit dance outfit or shoes! Even the color names are the same as featured on the recently released Ballet Class Outfits...
- Silver, Black Swan, Plum, Lavendar, Sugarplum Pink, Cream, Grape Leaf, Rain, Crimson, Lime, Old Gold, Gold, Autumn Brown, Copper, Blue
As usual, they're mod/copy/no transfer, with mod/no copy/transfer versions available by IMed request. Sold in the usual SPIRIT 16 shades of hair color in packs of 4 for $300L...
- Blondes 4-pack: Platinum Blonde, Light Golden Blonde, Dark Golden Blonde, Dark Honey Blonde
- Reds 4-pack: Strawberry Blonde, Light Red, Medium Red, Dark Red
- Brunettes 4-pack: Pale Brunette, Light Brunette, Medium Brunette, Dark Brunette
- Darks: Blue Black, Darkest Red, Darkest Brunette, Ebony
And best of all...ALL Spirit hairstyles, including the new Graceful II, now include the new Spirit Face Light! This optional, invisible face attachment gives your face a light glow even in the ugliest of SL lighting, ensuring you'll never have another harsh shadow on your face for your future SL portraits. The Spirit Face Light is also available in the Claire Hair & Shape set. All previous Spirit hairstyle and Claire Shape set customers will be sent a free copy of the new Face Light this week.
- Silver, Black Swan, Plum, Lavendar, Sugarplum Pink, Cream, Grape Leaf, Rain, Crimson, Lime, Old Gold, Gold, Autumn Brown, Copper, Blue
As usual, they're mod/copy/no transfer, with mod/no copy/transfer versions available by IMed request. Sold in the usual SPIRIT 16 shades of hair color in packs of 4 for $300L...
- Blondes 4-pack: Platinum Blonde, Light Golden Blonde, Dark Golden Blonde, Dark Honey Blonde
- Reds 4-pack: Strawberry Blonde, Light Red, Medium Red, Dark Red
- Brunettes 4-pack: Pale Brunette, Light Brunette, Medium Brunette, Dark Brunette
- Darks: Blue Black, Darkest Red, Darkest Brunette, Ebony
And best of all...ALL Spirit hairstyles, including the new Graceful II, now include the new Spirit Face Light! This optional, invisible face attachment gives your face a light glow even in the ugliest of SL lighting, ensuring you'll never have another harsh shadow on your face for your future SL portraits. The Spirit Face Light is also available in the Claire Hair & Shape set. All previous Spirit hairstyle and Claire Shape set customers will be sent a free copy of the new Face Light this week.
Monday, July 9, 2007
New Release: Ballet Class Outfits!

The Ballet Class Outfits are now up for sale at the Spirit shop! Available in 12 colors shown above (top pic, left to right, top row: Black Swan, Grape Leaf, Rain; bottom row: Autumn Brown, Copper, Old Gold; bottom pic, top row: Rain, Plum, Lavendar, Sugarplum; bottom row: Old Gold, Gold, Cream, Silver). Each Ballet Class Outfit comes with...
- Leotard with shadowing and detailed hand painted seams along the neckline and straps (no mod/copy/no transfer)
- Flexi skirt with semi see-through flexi ruffled skirt, satin texture waistband and bow, and flexi bow ties (mod/copy/no transfer)
- Sweater with semi see-through cashmere texture, shadowing, hand painted wrinkles and 2D tie front (no mod/copy/no transfer)
- Sculptie prim leg warmers in 2 sizes (large and small) with knit texture (no mod/copy/no transfer)
Shoes are sold separately. $400L per outfit.
Each Ballet Class Outfit color coordinates with the Ballet Pointe Shoes from SPIRIT, and these outfits have been designed so they can be mixed and matched for tons of different looks. Look for a new Graceful hairstyle to come out in a few days with hair accessories that will color coordinate with these outfits too!
And for a limited time, there are two jewelry sets available for FREE in the Spirit shop! Look on the second floor in the jewelry case for the Ballet Circle Necklace & Earrings Set, and the Ballet Charm Bracelet...both free!
ballerina costumes,
sculptured prims
Sunday, July 8, 2007
SPIRIT Ballet Class Outfits Completed!
Okay, I'll admit it, this post is nothing more than a tease, lol. But darn it, I can't help it, I am so dang excited about the next release! It's going to be a BIG one, with 12 ballet class outfits, each containing sculptie prim leg warmers, leotards, flexi prim skirts, and tonight's completed design, a see-through cashmere textured knit sweater that ties in the front and has lots of wrinkles, shadowing, and seams. All 12 ballet class outfits are completed in-world. Now I just need to do a photo shoot tomorrow and create the vendors!
Instead of waiting a week to send out this release, I will get it out the door and on the Spirit shop's New Items wall as soon as the vendors are done. College starts next week, and I'm worried I won't have much time left to do a lot of SL designing once my classes begin.
Wait...me not design anything for SL? YEEEEK! Perish the thought! LOL
Instead of waiting a week to send out this release, I will get it out the door and on the Spirit shop's New Items wall as soon as the vendors are done. College starts next week, and I'm worried I won't have much time left to do a lot of SL designing once my classes begin.
Wait...me not design anything for SL? YEEEEK! Perish the thought! LOL
Friday, July 6, 2007
New Sneakers and Boots!
New this week at SPIRIT... Color Change Sneakers and Knee High Boots!
In the new Pro Spirit Collection, we have a set of knee high Pro Spirit Boots in 14 colors for $300L (with 2 sizes included). The Black and White versions are plain, and the other 12 colors have a soft suede texture that will allow them to be worn with any cheer or dance costume AND other outfits in your wardrobe. Available in the following colors (shown below from left to right)...
- (Top Row) Wine, Grape Leaf, Blue, Plum, Lavendar, Sugarplum, Black
- (Bottom Row) Autumn Brown, Copper, Old Gold, Gold, Cream, Gray, White

And SPIRIT is proud to introduce our first color change scripted items, the Spirit Sneakers! Available in white or black, each Spirit Sneaker features sculpted letter S inserts on the sides that have color change scripts inside. You can choose up to 2 colors for your shoes' inserts at a time, and with 14 colors to choose from, the color combinations are endless! Color coordinate your Spirit Sneakers to your team colors, your favorite colors, or to match whatever outfit you're wearing them with! Spirit Sneakers also feature flexi prim bow ties, and are $300L per pair.
In the new Pro Spirit Collection, we have a set of knee high Pro Spirit Boots in 14 colors for $300L (with 2 sizes included). The Black and White versions are plain, and the other 12 colors have a soft suede texture that will allow them to be worn with any cheer or dance costume AND other outfits in your wardrobe. Available in the following colors (shown below from left to right)...
- (Top Row) Wine, Grape Leaf, Blue, Plum, Lavendar, Sugarplum, Black
- (Bottom Row) Autumn Brown, Copper, Old Gold, Gold, Cream, Gray, White

And SPIRIT is proud to introduce our first color change scripted items, the Spirit Sneakers! Available in white or black, each Spirit Sneaker features sculpted letter S inserts on the sides that have color change scripts inside. You can choose up to 2 colors for your shoes' inserts at a time, and with 14 colors to choose from, the color combinations are endless! Color coordinate your Spirit Sneakers to your team colors, your favorite colors, or to match whatever outfit you're wearing them with! Spirit Sneakers also feature flexi prim bow ties, and are $300L per pair.

cheer shoes,
dance shoes,
sculptured prims
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