I was extremely honored to be invited as a guest designer in Ambergris' upcoming fashion show today! The lovely ADF Elite and Top Models will be modeling the following outfits from SPIRIT at today's fashion show at 2 p.m. (SL time)...
** Moulin Rouge Collection: Sparkling Diamond I (regularly $500L, special fashion show price for today only is $400 at the runway!)
** Claire Cheerleader Uniform, Claire Hairstyle, and Spirit Sneakers (uniform will include a free pair of Spirit Sneakers for today only at the runway!)
** Ballet Class Outfit in Lavendar with Ballet Pointe Shoes in Lavendar
** Emerald Ballet Costume with Ballet Pointe Shoes in Cream (regularly $400L, specially priced at $300L at the show!)
** Ballet Pointe Shoes in Sugarplum Pink
Don't miss these great savings on SPIRIT's top selling items for cheerleaders and dancers! The show starts at 2 p.m. (click here for transport directly to the show!), but if you can't make the show, you'll also be able to purchase these SPIRIT items from the Shopping Wall both before the show as well afterwards until midnight. I'll also be there to meet everyone and answer questions (look for the redhead wearing the freebie Spirit Uniform Collection!), and if you ask me at the show about the Spirit Uniform Collection, you'll receive the Spirit Uniform Collection for FREE (or if you can't make it to the show, you can pick it up for $1L at the SPIRIT shop!
And finally, SPIRIT now has its very own land and official store!!!! Click here if you want a sneak peek...the grand opening will be this Friday and I'll be releasing a TON of cheer and dance items to celebrate! Look for more details about the grand opening plus pics coming soon!
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